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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam sed fringilla est. Suspendisse potenti. Fusce condimentum, elit ut lacinia laoreet, turpis mi imperdiet felis, eu finibus felis mauris ut est.

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Professional installation gets professional results. By partnering with a Resideo Pro, you’ll get product recommendations, personalized advice and ongoing support from our team of trained experts.

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Professional installation gets professional results. By partnering with a Resideo Pro, you’ll get product recommendations, personalized advice and ongoing support from our team of trained experts.

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When you’re elsewhere, you’ll have real-time access through the Resideo Total Connect app, which allows you control of the supported smart ecosystem, including lighting, locks, thermostats, garage doors and more.
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Leave it to the pros.
Tap into our nationwide network of trusted professionals, ready to help you get the most out of your home. Find a Pro.
Personalize the system for your needs
Your home and needs are unique and a professional security dealer will help you with a custom solution. Want to understand what is right for you? Take our quiz.
Schedule your professional install
Once you have worked with your local Pro on a custom security and life safety solution that is right for your family, schedule your install.
Sit back and relax
Whether at home or away, you can rest assured that your home is protected and accessible through the Resideo Total Connect 2.0 App. Learn more.
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World-class security. Professionally installed.
The ProSeries A7 Plus is our ultimate connected home security solution which offers the most comprehensive and integrated security system all under one roof. With professional monitoring 24 hours a day, together with mobile control and Amazon Alexa built-in (PROA7PLUS Model), it puts the things that matter in the safest of hands — even when you’re not home.
The scalable, modular system offers flexibility for any kind of home and can help guard against intruders, smoke, fire, flood, carbon monoxide, and medical emergencies — it works in harmony to provide total home protection.

Build your business
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec turpis mauris, aliquam sit amet imperdiet sit amet, eleifend non purus. Donec condimentum eros et sem cursus luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis vestibulum dolor. Quisque pulvinar porta odio, nec tristique leo euismod at.
Donec turpis mauris, aliquam sit amet imperdiet sit amet, eleifend non purus. Donec condimentum eros et sem cursus luctus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis vestibulum dolor. Quisque pulvinar porta odio, nec tristique leo euismod at. Aliquam rhoncus metus eu risus malesuada egestas. Fusce ut ornare eros. Curabitur convallis auctor accumsan. Aliquam erat volutpat.