An invisible danger
Faulty wiring, unattended cooking and smoking remain the most common causes of domestic fires. Both the EU and UK governments recommend fireproof household materials, appliances, and furniture in homes; these generate a lot less smoke than standard materials, which leads to smoke detectors taking longer to trigger.
Similarly, all fuel-burning appliances can cause carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the home, with potentially fatal consequences.

Protect your customers from what they can't see
Our range of heat, smoke and CO alarms are designed for all types of home, including leisure accommodation, guest houses and caravans.
Smoke and heat alarms
Fires can break out at night, making reliable detectors and alarms essential, to alert homeowners when they’re less likely to notice danger themselves.
Smoke alarms can also trigger in areas with a lot of dust or steam, or in rooms where smoke from cooking is present in places like this a heat alarm should be installed.
The alarms offer even more protection when they work together.
The range of interconnected alarms can be wirelessly linked to each other, so when one alarm goes off, they all go, maximising the alert in the event of an activation.
Carbon monoxide alarms
All fuel-burning appliances can cause carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning in the home, with potentially fatal consequences. Gas ovens and boilers, open fires, BBQs, and car exhausts can all pose a serious CO risk. Everyone is at risk of CO poisoning in the home, but children, the elderly, and pets are particularly vulnerable. Installing a Honeywell Home CO alarm alongside fuel-burning appliances can significantly lower that risk.

CO2 monitors
Many dangers in the home are not visible. High levels of CO2, for example, can cause fatigue, headaches, and decreased hearing abilities. The Resideo CO2 monitor lets people know when they should take action and let fresh air in; keeping air quality in check.
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