The Friends and Family Test (FFT) is an important testing and feedback tool for us as we prepare for the market release of ProSeries in EMEA in 2022. The feedback gathered through the FFT will make a real difference to our program. Thank you for your participation.

If you need help or advice with your ProSeries platform please contact your regional helpdesk.
ProSeries brings it all together
User Guides
Explanation of the most frequently used features and functions for the whole system:
Installation GuideS
Detailed installation information:
- PROHP-EU Series Security Systems Control Panel
- PROSIXCT-EU Wireless Door/Window Sensor
- PROSIXPIR-EU Wireless Passive Infrared Motion Sensor
- PROINDMV-EU Indoor Motion Viewer
- PROSIXSIREN-EU Wireless Siren/Strobe
- PROSIXMINI-EU Wireless Door/Window Sensor
- PROSIXPANIC-EU 2-Button Wireless Panic Sensor
- PROSIXMED-EU 1-Button Wireless Sensor
- PROWIFIZW-EU Wireless Communication Module
- PROLTE-EU Series Wireless Communication Modules
- PROSIXFOB-EU Wireless Key Fob
- PROSIXSMOKE-EU II Wireless Smoke Detector
Quick Guides
Contains summary information and QR codes to more detail:
- PROSIXPIR - ProSeries Wireless Motion Detector
- PROSIXSMOKE - ProSeries Wireless Smoke Detector
- PROINDMV - ProSeries Wireless Indoor MotionViewer®
- PROSIXSIREN - ProSeries Indoor Wireless Siren
- PROSIXPANIC - ProSeries Wireless Personal Panic Transmitter
- PROSIXMED - ProSeries Personal Medical Transmitter
- PROSIXMINI - PROSiX Two-Way Mini Wireless Door/Window Sensor
- PROSIXLCDKP - ProSeries Customizable Display Wireless Keypad
- PROSIXLEDKP - ProSeries Customizable Display Wireless Keypad
- PROLTE - ProSeries LTE Cellular Communication Modules
- PROSIXFOB-EU Wireless Key Fob
- PROWIFIZW-EU Wireless Communication Module
- PROHP-EU Security System Control Panel
- KTAG5 Tags
Technical support

Include details of the product or feature concerned, date time of issue, steps to reproduce the error or screen shots or any other relevant information. We will follow up by email or via Teams as needed.